Activists on Gaza aid flotilla talk of beatings, stun guns during raid by Israeli forces

Source Canadian Press
Source The National (Abu Dhabi)

Pro-Palestinian activists returning to Europe said Israeli commandos used stun guns on passengers and beat them during the deadly raid on an aid flotilla that was trying to break Israel's blockade of Gaza. One woman said her aid ship "turned into a lake of blood." An Arab member of the Israeli parliament who was on board the international flotilla that was attacked on Monday as it tried to take humanitarian aid to Gaza accused Israel yesterday of intending to kill peace activists as a way to deter future convoys. Haneen Zoubi said Israeli naval vessels had surrounded the flotilla's flagship, the Mavi Marmara, and fired on it a few minutes before commandos abseiled from a helicopter directly above them. Norman Paech, a former member of Germany's Left Party who was aboard the Marmara, said the soldiers "were all masked, carrying big guns and were extremely brutal." and here