Recently a lot of exciting things have happened at the Asheville Global Report: we have introduced a new women's section to bring attention to issues that affect over half the population, but are sorely ignored or misrepresented by media in general; the AGR television show is about to be broadcast by Free Speech TV, which will enable us to reach a much larger audience with hard-hitting underreported news; and we have kicked off our spring fund drive a little early, with hopes that our dedicated readership–and now viewers–will provide us with the much-needed funds we require to not only expand, but to just keep going. For over eight years, you, our readers, have relied on us to bring you news that is widely unavailable from the corporate-run mass media. We've made it through a lot of tough times, times where we had virtually no money in the bank and were a week away from having to announce the demise of the AGR, had generous donors not heard our pleas and provided us with the funds to keep plugging away another week. Now more than ever, we need your help. It has always been the dream of the AGR volunteers that someday we would be able to expand our audience and now we have the opportunity to do so. It has also always been our dream that rather than worrying continually about whether or not we would be able to keep going for another week, we would be able to put our financial fears aside and focus fully on reporting news. We hope to be given that opportunity as well. You can make a difference. Every little bit helps–if you own a business, take out an ad (we have extremely low rates) or underwrite our TV show, buy a subscription for a friend or relative, donate or buy a piece of art in our upcoming silent art auction, or send us whatever you can afford as a donation. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to Asheville Global Report! Send a check or money order to: AGR PO Box 1504 Asheville, NC 28802 We also accept credit cards via PayPal on our website,