Why Is Viagra popular and the condom controversial?

Source Inter Press Service

Why is the popular drug Viagra so praised for its virtues, while the condom is vilified by conservative religious groups among others the world over? Both are 'external' technological interventions that relate to sexual activity. They are among the most prominent tools in the area of reproductive health and sexuality. But it is the gender and sexual ideologies behind them - especially when combined with conservative religious forces and aspects of patriarchal culture - that put them on opposite ends of the spectrum of public acceptance. The result is a paradox that has huge implications for public health, especially in relation to the HIV and AIDS pandemic that is now entering its third decade and affects 33 million people worldwide. As Michael Tan, a reproductive health activist and chair of the University of the Philippines anthropology department put it: "Why is Viagra so desired and condoms so repulsive in many cultures?" Tan stressed, condoms are in the World Health Organisation (WHO) list of essentials - unlike Viagra. In other words, the social and institutional acceptance levels of Viagra and condoms are "totally opposite to the biomedical truth."